How to heal your relationship with money (and attract more of it)
Before we begin, I want you to prepare yourself for a visualization practice.
Imagine a space where you were able to make as much money as you wanted.
What does your life look like?
Is your daily energy different?
Are your everyday emotions the same as the ones you have right now at this moment?
How do you feel about receiving this money?
All of these questions are massively significant when it comes to magnetizing money.
There is one key energetic exchange that is so often missed yet highly crucial when it comes to tangibly having the money you wish to have in your life: your relationship to it.
It really is, and I mean reallllllllyyy is, a deep, energetic exchange of giving and receiving.
From this point on, treat your relationship with money like any other relationship. What does a healthy exchange with someone need? How do you give and receive love? What are the foundations of any relationship? If you heal and balance these aspects of your relationship with money, it will reflect in your life as ease, consistency, and abundance.
Stay with me as I go over the five central elements of healing your relationship with money.
Giving with loving boundaries:
In any relationship exchange, a delicate balance is necessary to maintain a successful and healthy relationship. When we show up in a relationship, it’s important that giving comes authentically within us from a place of love. We must not overpour our energy into people or things that deplete us. With money, the same principles apply. We give equal value to what we receive—in business contracts, time put in at work, expertise, knowledge, and value. The money received must match the value being given. If you take too much or give too little, you will knock this relationship out of balance.
Receiving with loving boundaries:
There is a primal wound most of us have, and that is receiving love. Hypothetically speaking, if money represents love, how open are you to receiving it? Do you feel worthy to receive love? Do you feel safe receiving love? We can only receive the amount of abundance in our lives that we feel open and worthy of receiving. And this ties into the above aspect of giving. It must be a balanced exchange. The best way to investigate how you show up in your relationship with money is to look at how you show up in romantic relationships. When love is offered either physically through intimacy or affection, to words of affirmation, to acts of service, and so on, how much are you open to taking? Take too much, and greed will get the best of the situation. You will find yourself at a loss in the end. Take too little, and you will feel depleted of love (money) in the end.
Safety and trust in yourself:
Feeling safe in every aspect is a must in order to have a healthy sense of self. Yet, it is most important when in a relationship of any kind, including money. Are you feeling safe enough to receive an abundance of money? Do you trust yourself with it? Do you trust it will stay? Do you trust situations will be safe when they're received? Dig deep with this one. Feeling safe to receive is one of the foundations of abundance. Feeling safe in any relationship, including money, starts deep within your belief system. If you need to repattern it or reprogram it to believe something else so your nervous system responds differently to exchanges of any kind, then do so. It is an absolute must.
Worthiness in the exchange:
Oh boy, this is the element that can be affected by parallel lives and current relationships. It is a tricky one, so read it over more than once if you have to. Worthiness is the foundation of all of these points. Mostly anything you do in life, create in life, or magnetize to yourself in life stems from your worthiness and how you value yourself. It can easily be torn down in any relationship exchange if the exchange is unbalanced and/or toxic. To heal worthiness is a journey in itself, yet totally possible and can be seamless when you’re properly supported through it. Your worthiness and empowerment to receive money come through balance and equal exchange in all aspects of life. When unbalanced, your worthiness will be the first thing that “takes the blow." Ultimately, with strong, healthy boundaries of giving and receiving, it will remain in beautiful balance and in the frequency of empowerment.
Strength of your vision:
It is so important to be consistently in tune with your vision and what you focus your energy and intentions on. What are you envisioning for the future? What are you focusing on daily? The lack or the fullness of life? Of exchanges and experiences? What does that version of yourself and your life look and feel like when you live a life of wealth, abundance, and freedom? What do you need to heal, take action, and release to get there? Refine your vision, and new pathways towards prosperity will be revealed.
I know I asked many difficult questions throughout this post, so please, reflect on these ideas and journal about them when you can.
If you find yourself feeling stuck on this subject often, you will benefit greatly from my upcoming Elevate Your Finances course! The course comes with introspective exercises, meditations, and ceremonies to help you shape a new financial reality. Early access is available (at a discounted rate!) on my new community page. Join here!