We Claim Our Light ✨

We Claim Our Light ✨

We Claim Our Light ✨ We Claim Our Light ✨

Your online healing portal to discovering your authentic life’s purpose.

For spiritually-curious women who need clarity about their life’s purpose while learning about all things spiritual and holistic healing.

You’ll get access to:

  • A private community where you can connect with me and other like-minded women where we will discover our life’s purpose, learn about all things holistic and grow on our spiritual journey together.

  • Live Q&A calls with me where you can ask me ANY question you want so you can be guided by a medium, spiritual energy specialist and certified holistic health practitioner. 

  • A 3+ hour self-paced healing course based on my signature energy healing methodology on igniting your transformation journey with secret practices and rituals that allow you to effortlessly heal and gain clarity on your life’s purpose.

  • Becoming Your Authentic Self mini course where you learn how to connect with the alchemy of the moon and can master the energy of each phase of your womanhood journey. 

  • Monthly channeled energy updates so you can receive the up to date energy surrounding you each month and have alignment to your dream life magnetize to you efficiently & with ease. 

  • Spiritual Basics mini course helping to deepen your knowledge on what to expect along your healing journey and why so you can become the most empowered version of yourself along the way. 

  • Fully-stocked meditation library guiding you through visualization techniques that activate, release, ignite and download energy needed along your personal healing journey.

  • A digital download of my Reaching Beyond Workbook directly guiding each step along your way to discovering your authentic self and life’s purpose so you can finally start magnetizing the life of freedom you desire and magnetize your first goal in no time.

  • Monthly new content which will allow you to access all the amazing new content I will be uploading to the membership every month. Including topics like rewiring your energy field, psychic abilities activation, holistic healing tools—essential oils, self-healing energy techniques, healing home set up, top manifesting techniques, and much more. all of which you'll be able to access on both your laptop and from the Skool app on your mobile phone.

  • BONUS #1: Unlockable new content! YES! YES! YES! Within the membership you will get the opportunity to unlock even more content, healing tools, and video trainings which you get access to as you level up within the membership!

  • BONUS #2: The first 100 people to join will receive a hard cover copy of my Reaching Beyond Workbook delivered to your doorstep for free. (Value of $45 USD.)

Join the We Claim Our Light membership and start your journey to find your life’s purpose today!

We’re currently experiencing a new shift in the collective energy, and every day women (just like you) are being activated within to discover their life’s purpose and are seeking out guided support to claim it, heal what’s needed (move energetic blocks out of the way) to start expressing it freely, allowing them to finally start magnetizing their dream life from a spiritually empowered place.

But it was a long journey to get here. 

Let’s just say, it has been a long, dark, personal journey of my own to be able to be with you today but I knew there was a deeper purpose behind my long, dark journey to spiritual freedom. I was meant to use my mediumship abilities and healing journey as a way to gift women with their own selves and finally become the fulfilled, empowered and authentic version of themselves they were always meant to be. Heck, longing to be for so long. 

I eventually had a light bulb go off and decided I was DONE playing small and dimming my Light.

You know that moment when you say, “That’s it. I’m meant for more and I’m ready to believe in myself, ALL parts of myself”?

Fuelled by my mediumship abilities growing stronger each day and a die hard love to serve humanity so we can evolve into all we can be, I gave it my all. I believed, healed, worked, dreamed, and achieved wild freedom.

But before I dive into that, allow me to introduce myself.

I’m Natalie and over the course of eight years I’ve been able to help women dissolve blockages keeping them from finding their purpose and freedom.

Today, I am sharing with you something so close to my heart and perhaps the fastest way to heal I picked up on this journey. 

It's that my journey would have been a lot easier, supported and more enjoyable if I was surrounded by like-minded women who were on the exact same journey as I was. Because your environment is EVERYTHING. It’s actually a universal energetic law.

That’s exactly what fuelled me to create the We Claim Our Light membership.

So us spiritual curious women out there can connect, heal and lean on each other in dark moments and light ones. Where we celebrate all our dark and our light and work towards our collective goals of discovering our life’s purpose and finally carving our path express to it freely. 

Women are energetically designed to heal along each other’s side, it’s in our innate make up. 

Check out these results from my students:

A glowing testimonial from one of Natalie's students.
A glowing testimonial from one of Natalie's students.
A glowing testimonial from one of Natalie's students.
A glowing testimonial from one of Natalie's students.
A glowing testimonial from one of Natalie's students.
A glowing testimonial from one of Natalie's students.

Three reasons why the We Claim Our Light membership and finding your life’s purpose go together like peanut butter and jelly.


Community of like-minded women

You know that phrase, “the journey to living your purpose can be incredibly lonely”? 

Well, I’m here to change that. 

Your environment will influence the clarity and empowerment around your healing journey and that's why inside, you’re going to have access to a private community of spiritual curious women ready to uplift and empower each other on this elevating journey towards inner and outer freedom.



Spiritual and holistic healing resources, DIYs, and video guides

I’ve been in the spiritual healing space since 2017. And every year I’ve witnessed what? 

Nothing short of miracles. 

Let’s just say helping women heal, find their purpose, and free course is MY purpose and I’m here to share it all of what I’ve learned professionally and personally with you.

That’s why when you join today you’re going to get access to a self-paced healing workbook infused with all my learnings and specific methodology, resources, video training and Q&A calls with me. So you can turn your spiritual healing journey into a become the master of my own energy and create the life of my dreams kinda vibe.

Whether you’re trying to quench the thirst of spiritual curiosity to deeply healing old patterning or wanting to connect with other women in this space cause you finally want to be fully seen and fully heard. 

The We Claim Our Light membership is meant for you!



Discovering your purpose

Spiritual freedom and becoming the creator of our life is 90% connecting to your unique life’s purpose and 10% actionizing it.

Within We Claim Our Light, you'll find yourself surrounded by spiritually curious women equipped with channeled resources, courses, workbooks, all things holistic and video guides designed to catapult you toward the dream life you've always envisioned.

The key component to this is owning and claiming your purpose with clarity and empowerment.

That's precisely why you will get access to training curated to nurture your inner Light and allow you to fully wake up to your purpose each morning with joy and freedom beaming out of you, excited to live freely and fully.


What’s included:

My private community where you can connect with me and other like minded women who are spirituality curious & focused on inner growth.

This community is all about connection and learning. Inside we will help each other grow and transform our inner world into a space of freedom, empowerment, and joy while learning about spirituality and holistic healing.

Live Q&A calls with me where you can ask me ANY question you want.

Every month I will host a live Q&A call where you can ask me anything you want, whether that’s to help you with an internal block, improve your day to day mindset, or even some help understanding how to cultivate the life of your dreams through the hidden world of spiritual energetics. You can ask me absolutely ANYTHING and I'll be ready to help you out.

3+ hour self-paced healing workbook built on my signature healing methodology

3+ hour self-paced healing workbook built on my signature healing methodology with 124 pages of journal prompts, rituals, meditations and more.If you want to wake up feeling lighter, brighter and fully clear on your life’s purpose—this is for YOU ✨

3 hours of learnings showing you my secret practices on how I stay in authentic expression of my life’s purpose and all the inner layers of how to get there so you can start doing the same with clarity, drive, and inspiration!

To become the creator of your life, you will NEED to know how the world of magnetizing works from the ground up.  That’s why inside you’ll get access to 3+ hours of training showing you the best practices, tools & knowledge so you can finally be in the driver’s seat of your life.

An ever-growing collection of meditations

This library will help guide your transformative experience and dig deep into the places of yourself you need to access in order to reach your highest potential so you can easily welcome in new opportunities that align you to your bright, purposeful future.

This mini-course is designed to ignite your transformation journey so you can rewire your subconscious mind to one that is cleared of any limiting beliefs or energy patterns holding you back from expressing your life’s purpose freely. 

The success of your healing journey is strongly based in the foundation of your subconscious mind and self-awareness to master your energy field—so you can finally start magnetizing limitless possibilities and be in flow of your unique life’s purpose. 

These are the exact same practices and strategies that have helped me find my life’s purpose and fully express it in a way that aligned me to the most abundant life opportunities and inner freedom.

Valued at over:


(and growing each year!)

Your Investment:


(nearly 50% off)


  • With the We Claim Our Light membership, you get access to a family of ambitious women who are all looking to find their life’s purpose all while learning about the spiritual path and holistic healing practices. You will also get access to Q&A calls, resources, meditations and video guides designed to help you navigate the journey to inner freedom and abundance.

  • We understand that circumstances can change, and so you have the flexibility to cancel your membership at any time. However, if you choose to do so, just keep in mind that you don’t get to keep any of the content inside. If this is fine and you still want to go ahead and cancel then simply send an email to billing natalie@nataliekehren.com, and our team will assist you with the process as we want to ensure that you have a hassle-free experience.

  • We believe in transparency. Your We Claim Our Light membership comes with a monthly fee. There are no hidden fees, and you can cancel your membership anytime by emailing natalie@nataliekehren.com

  • No, there is no minimum commitment period for your We Claim Our Light membership. You have the flexibility to stay as long as you find value and can cancel anytime by reaching out to natalie@nataliekehren.com. We're here to support you on your journey, whether you choose to stay for the short term or the long haul. However please note that if you joined during a promotional period and decide to cancel your membership, you will not be able to re-join at the previous rate.

  • No, this membership does not grant access to any other offers from the Natalie Kehren platform. Each of those programs is distinct and separate from the offerings provided within We Claim Our Light.

  • No, the membership doesn't include one-on-one access. However, you will have access to me through the community chat and during Q&A calls within the group setting. In these sessions, I'll be available to offer guidance, answer your questions, and engage directly to support you on your journey.