Raise your energetic vibration with this one pivotal habit

A diverse group of women gathered together.

If you’re ready to drop your baggage and step into your most authentic and high vibing era, this is the number one habit I recommend:

Spend time with other women.

Why nobody talks about this is a mystery to me. So I’m shouting it from the rooftops. 

When healing women gather, we thrive.

Here’s why:

Our reality is governed by energetic laws. One of them is the Law of Entrainment. This Law states that small energy synchronizes with big energy. 

Let’s say you’re going through a tough situation that has you feeling stuck, disempowered, or resentful. If we were to put you into a room full of women who feel joyful, whole, and present, the Law of Entrainment says that your energy will fall into sync with theirs. That simply being in their high vibing presence will release your negative energy.

Vibing high is your birthright. So if your energetic frequency is low—especially if you’re in the midst of healing deep wounds—it’s absolutely crucial to surround yourself with higher frequencies to help you shift.  

Women are designed to move energy. And when we set intentions as a community to heal trauma, evolve, release painful memories, and gain enlightenment and authenticity, we’re serving up some extremely potent energy. 

Some people call it witchcraft.
I call it womanhood. 

It's very deep work and can never be underestimated. So I urge you to gather with women who make you feel safe and supported as often as you can. Especially if you’re moving through the deep waters of your spiritual healing journey.

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The hidden power of resistance: Your key to profound change