Spiritual Healing Basics: Three energetic laws everyone needs to know
You are energy.
Everything around you is energy.
As a collective, we’re starting to realize this more and more.
I truly believe that everyone needs to understand the basics of energy to live a more elevated reality, to understand themselves and the world around them more deeply and spiritually.
By learning these three energetic laws and applying them to your healing journey, you’ll be able to:
Have more clarity
Experience deeper breakthroughs
Tap into your innate psychic gifts
Create a life freedom and abundance
Over the years, I’ve helped my clients understand and apply these laws to their healing journeys and I’ve seen miracles happen. Quite literally. There are many energetic laws, but these three basics will give you a rooted understanding of how energy works, propelling you forward.
So let’s dive into the three laws of energy that everyone needs to know.
1. The Law of Resistance
When you feel uncomfortable or stuck, you are experiencing the law of resistance. The law states:
The greater the experience of inner or outer resistance, the greater the potential for transformation once the resistance is moved through.
This is why being comfortable with feeling uncomfortable is so important along your spiritual awakening journey.
2. The Law of Entrainment
Smaller energy will match or follow bigger energy.
The best example of this is when you go to a concert. The performer(s) on stage give off an energy in their music, dance, art expression, etc. The people who are in the front row feel it first. Then the second, third, fourth, until the entire stadium of 30,000 or more people are all tuned into the same energetic frequency. That’s when you hear a commenter say “that performance really moved the audience”, or “it was an electrifying performance. The audience lit up.”
This is why your environment (your location and the people you surround yourself with) all matter VERY much.
3. The Law of Energy Attracts LIKE Energy
This law states that any energy within any of your gridfields (e.g., your body, heart, soul, money, relationships) will attract similar energy into your life.
Your beliefs (which are made up of energy) are a great example of this. When you hold limiting beliefs around money—conscious or subconscious—you will attract situations to reflect those beliefs. By bringing awareness to your limiting beliefs, you can heal and reprogram them. This changes the energy around your beliefs, attracting/magnetizing your new set of beliefs.
This is why healing through reading your energy fields is fast, effective and deeply deeply transformative.
Energy works in patterns. Design, upgrade, and transform your energy field to one that propels you forward into the direction of your dream life and you will never miss it.
You are the creator, remember that.