A quick ritual to calm your mind this eclipse season
Your mind is probably moving in a million different ways this month. How do I know that? Well, if you haven’t already heard… It's eclipse season.
Eclipse season was set into motion yesterday with the Libra new moon and spans all of October. These periods are often chaotic and emotional, but metamorphic when you have the right mindset. Expect discomfort as extreme energy shifts are taking place. My best advice here is to embrace it.
Because I know how heavy and intense this time can be, I want to walk you through my ritual for remaining calm. This should help you keep your mind clear when everything else feels out of place.
Think of your body as a vessel to use in a way that can nourish your mind, soul and energy.
The first thing you’ll want to do is retreat to a dark and quiet space. Play some neutral tunes to make your brain relax. I usually go for non-lyrical, binaural beats to stay present without being distracted by the sound itself.
Lay down on your back and light a nice candle or soothing incense. Begin to focus on your breathing. You should feel like you have a hold of yourself after about five minutes.
Now it’s time to stretch. Reaaallllly extend yourself. Take this moment to release a lot of the tension built up in each and every part of your limbs. Let all of that stagnant energy out.
Remember to drink a lot of water before, during and after this process. Water will allow you to dispel any unwelcome energy in your system.
Optional: end with a salt bath. Add in fresh flowers and essential oils. Lavender is my go-to. You may not always have time for this last step. I know I don’t… but it’s glorious when you get the chance to.
Once you’re feeling more at ease, try journaling to work through some of your stresses. I have a moon journal in my healing shop that can help you connect your experiences, thoughts and emotions with the phases of the moon. I created the moon journal to help people be more in sync with themselves and the world around them. I hope it helps you, too 🤍
Endure this eclipse season and you will be rewarded for it.